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Paul Lawrence Smith
Date of death: Wednesday, 25 April 2012
Number of Readers: 1,241
Known asPaul L. Smith
SpecialtyAmerican stand-up comedian, actor, singer, and com
Date of birth24 June 1936
Date of death25 April 2012
Paul Lawrence Smith (June 24, 1936 – April 25, 2012), better known as Paul L. Smith, was an American stand-up comedian, actor, singer, and comedian, best known for generally portraying villains and "heavies". His most notable roles include Hamidou, the vicious prison warden in Midnight Express (1978), Bluto in Popeye (1980), Gideon in Masada (1981), and Glossu Rabban in Dune (1984). Smith was sometimes credited as Paul Smith.
On April 25, 2012, Smith died in Ra'anana, Israel. Currently, his cause of death is unconfirmed.
Early life:
Smith was born Paul Lawrence Smith in Everett, Massachusetts on June 24, 1936. He attended Miami Senior High School in Miami, Florida and graduated in 1954. Afterwards, Smith attended Brandeis University for a short time and transferred to Florida State University on a football scholarship graduating in 1959 with a B.S. degree in Philosophy.
At age 12, Smith weighed 200 pounds and was 6 ft. tall.
Smith's first acting role was in Exodus, which was filmed in Israel. This was his first visit to the country. In 1967, Smith returned to Israel as a Mahal volunteer in the Six-Day War and stayed there until 1973. In that time, he participated in 5 productions filmed in Israel.
Afterwards, he moved to Italy where, due to his resemblance to Bud Spencer, he made a series of films with Terence Hill lookalike Michael Coby (pseudonym of Antonio Cantafora). One of these films Convoy Buddies was picked up for American release by Film Ventures International where producer by Edward L. Montoro changed Smith's name to Bob Spencer and Cantafora's name to Terrance Hall. Smith sued successfully arguing that the only thing an actor has is his name and if that's taken away, he has nothing. The judicial system agreed with him and ruled against FVI who paid Smith damages and court costs.
Paul L. Smith (1936-2012).jpg
In 1977, Smith moved to Hollywood, making appearances in such films as 21 Hours at Munich (1976), Midnight Express (1978), as Bluto in Popeye (1980), and as Glossu Rabban in Dune (1984).
Personal life:
Smith was of Jewish religion.
Smith married Eve Smith. In February 2006, they emigrated to Israel, adopting Ra'anana as their new home. After taking Israeli citizenship, the couple adopted Hebrew names: Adam and Aviva Eden.
On April 25, 2012, Smith died in Ra'anana, Israel. The cause of death is unconfirmed.
Source: wikipedia.org
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